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Can BOTOX® Help Lift Hooded Eyes?

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Hooded eyes or droopy eyelids can be both a cosmetic and functional nuisance and may be the result of aging or simply genetics. In either case, many patients turn to plastic surgery to achieve a more open and attractive look. For some people, however, it may actually be possible to improve the appearance of hooded eyes without going under the knife. At JEM Medspa in Elmhurst and Orland Park, IL, our experienced team of cosmetic injectors can help patients look and feel more refreshed than ever with BOTOX injections for hooded eyes. Keep reading for a closer look at how BOTOX works and when it may or may not be an appropriate treatment for hooded eyes.

What are hooded eyes?

Patients without a visible eyelid crease and/or a heavy upper eyelid area are often referred to as having hooded eyes. This feature is common among certain ethnic groups but can also be the result of aging and other factors. For some people, hooded eyes are simply a cosmetic concern, while other patients experience obstructed vision due to their hooded eyes.

How are hooded eyelids fixed?

For significantly hooded eyes, a large amount of excess eyelid skin, or severely drooping eyelids, a surgical blepharoplasty is often the most appropriate course of action. This procedure involves removing extra skin and tightening the eyelids for a more open and natural look. A plastic surgeon can also create clear upper eyelid crease during blepharoplasty for hooded eyes. In certain cases, however, it may be possible to improve the look of hooded eyes using the injectable neurotoxin BOTOX.

How does BOTOX for hooded eyes work?

Most of us are familiar with the benefits of BOTOX for smoothing forehead lines and wrinkles, but you may be surprised to learn that BOTOX can also help to lift drooping brows and correct hooded eyes in some patients. To accomplish this, BOTOX may be injected into the outer corners of the brows and the area between the brows, known as the glabella. This technique aims to force the relaxation of the muscles that are responsible for drooping brows, creating the illusion of a raised upper lid.

It is important for patients considering BOTOX for hooded eyelids to understand that this approach is not designed as a substitute for blepharoplasty surgery and is most effective for patients with mild concerns related to a drooping brow. Patients whose hooded eyelids or sagging eyelids are the result of significant skin laxity or a large amount of excess eyelid skin may be better suited to surgical blepharoplasty. It is also critical that patients considering BOTOX to raise hooded eyes select a highly qualified and experienced cosmetic injector, as improper technique can actually cause a worsening of droopy eyelids.

Where else can BOTOX be used?

In addition to helping raise subtly hooded eyes, BOTOX can help to dramatically improve other cosmetic concerns, including:

  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Brow lines
  • Frown lines
  • Glabellar lines
  • 11 lines
  • Crow’s feet

With a skilled provider, a healthy lifestyle, and regular maintenance injections 3 – 4 times per year, the age-defying enhancements made with BOTOX can keep you consistently looking and feeling your best.

Show off your sparkling eyes with BOTOX for hooded eyes near Chicago, IL

If you have a weak upper eyelid crease due to drooping brows, BOTOX injections may be right for you. To learn more about how BOTOX may help raise your hooded eyes, call JEM Medspa - with convenient locations in Orland Park and Elmhurst, IL - to schedule your private consultation with one of our expert aesthetic injectors today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.