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Laser Treatments | JEM Medspa

JEM Medspa offers laser treatments to help you rejuvenate your skin and reach your aesthetic goals.


My name's Ashley. I'm the director of aesthetics for JEM Medspa Orland and Elmhurst. So today, we're going to talk about our laser treatments, which we use the Sciton JOULE Platform to do all of our services. We offer a variety of laser services to address a multitude of skin concerns. So we can, with no downtime, treat active acne, acne scarring, unwanted sun damage or sun spots, rosacea, and we also do laser hair removal. The most popular treatment done here at JEM is our Forever Young Photo Facial. So what that does is it helps remove unwanted sun damage and sunspots, freckles, treat rosacea.

It also is just an overall photo rejuvenation. So it's going to help your pores look tighter. And the best thing about it that only Sciton is able to offer is that through regular treatments, it actually changes the DNA structure in cells treated, and it actually tells that cell to stop aging. So not only are you getting an immediate result for the sun damage or whatever that you want to actively treat, but you're also doing the best thing that you can possibly do for skin longterm.