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How Long Will My Skin Be Red After a PRFM Facelift?

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If you notice a tired, dull appearance to your skin, and wish to rejuvenate and revitalize your complexion without the hassle of cosmetic surgery, then a PRFM Facelift may be the right treatment path for you. At JEM Medspa, our award-winning aesthetic experts passionately serve patients throughout Orlando Park and Elmhurst, IL to help them achieve their cosmetic goals. The PRFM Facelift involves the use of cutting-edge technologies to smooth and diminish signs of aging, leaving individuals with a youthful, healthy glow.

What is a PRFM Facelift?

A PRFM Facelift includes the application of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and dermal fillers to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and add volume that has been lost with age. With the combination of the patient’s own blood, and carefully injected dermal fillers, a patient can attain a younger, vibrant complexion.

What’s the difference between a PRFM Facelift and a PRP Facial?

PRP Facials use PRP therapy over the treatment area to exponentiate healing and achieve greater results. During a PRFM Facelift, the PRP therapy is complemented with dermal fillers, injectable cosmetic treatments made up of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced in the skin to retain moisture and volume. At JEM Medspa, our team of aesthetic experts can help you decide which cosmetic technique helps meet your personal goals.

What does a PRFM Facelift treat?

A PRFM Facelift is used to combat signs of aging, including:

  • Fine lines

  • Wrinkles

  • Creases

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Rough textures

  • Acne scars

  • Volume loss

  • Thinning skin

What is the PRFM Facelift treatment process like?

A PRFM Facelift is an outpatient cosmetic procedure that can be completed in one of our private treatment rooms at JEM Medspa. One of our highly trained team members will sanitize your skin and administer local anesthesia to numb each treatment area. A blood sample is taken from your arm and placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelets for the PRP serum. Once the PRP serum is ready, the serum is applied locally over each treatment area. While the PRP is absorbed into the skin, dermal fillers are injected into each treatment area. Once your skin is cleaned and moisturized, you may return home for recovery.

Is there recovery time after a PRFM Facelift?

Patients are free to resume normal daily activities almost immediately after treatment while adhering to a list of aftercare instructions to optimize healing. During the first couple of days, patients should avoid:

  • Facial massages

  • Excessive sun exposure

  • Extreme temperature changes to the skin

How long will my skin be red after a PRFM Facelift?

Patients typically experience redness, tenderness, and swelling for the first few days after treatment which resolves on its own. Once the redness and swelling subside, patients will notice gradual improvements to their complexion as collagen production increases with time.

How often should I get a PRFM Facelift?

PRFM Facelift results often last anywhere between 18 – 24 months. Depending on the patient’s current skin conditions, multiple sessions may be recommended by our team of experts to produce maximum results. Consult with our aesthetic experts to discuss the ideal number of sessions needed for your customized treatment plan.

Where to go to learn more about the cosmetic benefits of a PRFM Facelift

If you reside near Orlando Park or Elmhurst, IL, and wish to achieve a smoother and youthful complexion without cosmetic surgery, contact our team of aesthetic experts at JEM Medspa and schedule a consultation. We’ll happily introduce you to the benefits of the PRFM Facelift and develop a customized treatment plan that fits your personal needs and desired outcomes.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.