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How Does EMTONE Compare To EMSCULPT?

If you’re like most people, your body may not be quite as firm as it once was. This is particularly true as we age, have children, and go through other life events. What’s worse, many people’s bodies don’t respond to diet and exercise in the same way – or at the same rate – as they used to. If you are spending countless hours in the gym, eating healthy, and are still frustrated by cellulite, lack of muscle tone, and other concerns, we may have the solution for you! The exceptional team of certified and experienced providers at JEM Medspa is proud to offer an advanced array of nonsurgical body contouring and body sculpting treatments in Orland Park and Elmhurst, IL to help you finally get the physique you’ve been dreaming of. Learn more about two of our most popular treatments, EMTONE® and EMSCULPT®, including what they can be used for and which may be right for you.

What does EMSCULPT do?

The primary purpose of EMSCULPT is to tone the muscles, though a bonus benefit is that it can also help to burn fat. Utilizing high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM), the advanced EMSCULPT technology system stimulates thousands of intense muscle contractions over a short period of time to maximize efficiency and produce dramatic results. In fact, one 30-minute EMSCULPT treatment session to your abs is the equivalent of doing about 20,000 crunches! With EMSCULPT, though, you are able to do your exercises without ever setting foot in the gym.

How does EMSCULPT work?

During an EMSCULPT session at one of JEM Medspa’s Chicago-area locations in Elmhurst or Orland Park, IL, you will lie comfortably on a treatment table while the EMSCULPT device does all of the work for you. Each treatment session, depending on the area(s) being targeted, will last about 30 minutes. Most patients tolerate the treatment without much discomfort, but you may feel sore due to the repetitive and intense muscle contractions. There is virtually no downtime, and patients are able to resume their normal daily routines after treatment, with some temporary restrictions on exercise.

What does EMTONE do?

For patients whose primary concern is cellulite, EMTONE may be a more fitting treatment. The advanced EMTONE system combines radiofrequency energy and precise pressure to target and reduce fat cells, stimulate better circulation, prevent fluid accumulation, and, ultimately, improve the appearance of cellulite for smoother, more toned skin.

What’s the difference between EMTONE and EMSCULPT?

The main difference between EMTONEand EMSCULPT is that EMTONE is a nonsurgical cellulite reduction treatment, while EMSCULPT is a nonsurgical body contouring treatment that works by toning the muscles. Use the helpful information below to further understand the basics of each treatment:

All about EMTONE

  • Nonsurgical cellulite reduction treatment
  • Common treatment areas include thighs, tummy, flanks, buttocks, and hips
  • Virtually pain-free (may feel like a deep tissue massage)
  • Typically, no downtime
  • Results can take up to two weeks to appear
  • Patients may require 1 – 3 treatments

All about EMSCULPT

  • Nonsurgical body contouring treatment
  • Tones muscles
  • Common treatment areas include abdomen and buttocks
  • Patients may experience mild discomfort with the muscle contractions
  • Virtually no downtime
  • Peak results can take 3 – 4 weeks after final session to become visible
  • Patients typically require 4 – 5 sessions spaced 2 –3 days apart

During your initial consultation, our medical and cosmetic experts will evaluate your areas of concern and advise you on whether EMTONE or EMSCULPT may be the best option to help you achieve your personal goals.

Say goodbye to cellulite and tone your body without going to the gym

Imagine getting the washboard abs or six-pack that you’ve always wanted – or being able to show off smooth, gorgeous legs – without having to spend countless hours in the gym. If you are at or near your goal weight but aren’t seeing the results you want after regular dieting and exercise, EMSCULPT or EMTONE can help. To learn more about nonsurgical body contouring and cellulite reduction in the Chicago area, call the knowledgeable team at either of JEM Medspa’s convenient locations in Elmhurst and Orland Park, IL today to schedule your consultation. We look forward to helping you get the smooth, strong, sexy body of your dreams!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.